But today I want to ESPECIALLY say how grateful I am that Martha and I get to be the parents of Lydia Ann Ochoa...!!
Around our house, Birthdays are celebrated over 2-3 weeks - so this really isn't a "late blog" - it is just adding to the longish amount of time we try make birthdays last for each of our kids... (OK - Maybe SOMETIMES it's been an excuse to buy some time because we hadn't bought any presents yet or planned a party or a B-Day sleepover...) I think our clan enjoys the fact that the b-day cheer DOES last more than just the one actual calendar day/date. We haven't been told otherwise...
A few (just a few) favorite/random thoughts & memories of Lydia - it seems appropriate to jot down Ten:
1) There was no doubt when she was born that we would name her Lydia. When we came across that name we decided instantly that would be hers - IF she was a girl! It's a good thing she was - if she had been a boy, we would STILL be in the hospital trying to come up with a name for another son...
2) Her nickname is "Leela" - because her cousin Rachel (about 3 at the time) couldn't quite get all the letters pronounced right in her name. This is what would come out - and it stuck.
3) We also called her the "DooDaa" Girl, because when she was little that was her favorite phrase to say before she was really able to talk. It was SO cute to hear her say that - usually while sitting cheerfully in her bouncy chair or car carrier.
4) The kid can SING!! Loud and clear and bold and beautiful. Now, the challenge is to get her to sing that way OUTSIDE of the shower!!
5) One of my favorite things to hear her say is "Daddy, do you want to snuggle..?" So far - thankfully - these are words I still get to hear fairly often...
6) She is a fascinating mixture of Sensitive and Strong / Sturdy and Sweet. She is SO tender hearted and caring - but as the youngest of four, we are all in agreement that she can be the most strong willed and stubborn. Probably a survival mechanism? -- "No shrinking violet is she." But that makes her no less of a beautiful flower... I love that.
7) She is always writing notes and drawing pictures. I love how thoughtful and observant she is - and it shows as she often asks for addresses to mail letters and pictures to friends and neighbors and teachers and family. The detail that is a part of her drawings - bugs and trees and colors and people and expressions - tell me that she notices a LOT of what is going on around her.
8) I am astounded at what comes out of her heart when she prays. She will pray at dinner or at bedtime - and I truly get to hear the pure and trusting faith of a child that has no problem whatsoever trusting and loving Jesus...
9) On MY birthday earlier this year, she came downstairs and - without one word - decided to give me 47 kisses on the cheek. She gave me a hug and a smile and said "Happy Birthday - I love you Daddy." That will always be a cherished memory - and an example of simple Grace that will forever fuel my heart...
10) Below is one of my FAVORITE pictures of her, taken a few years ago while on vacation in Mexico:
I love you Lydia - more than you know. Congratulations on your first decade of wonderful and joyous life...
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