Day 2 of our Family Vacation was spent in Salt Lake City and the surrounding area. We had three main things we wanted to do today: Visit the Temple Square, the Olympic Cauldron Park and go swimming in the Great Salt Lake.
We certainly are in a beautiful part of the country! I can only imagine what the first impression was when the pioneer Mormon settlers came up over the hills and saw this gorgeous valley. No wonder they decided to stay! The Mormons had to overcome much hardship and persecution in their history. As they made their Epic Trek in the 1840's from way out East all the way here, one can't help but admire their dedication and sacrifice... I have no problem applauding the religious commitment that it took for them to settle - and then thrive - not only here - but throughout the world. An incredibly tenacious and dedicated belief system is shared by those in the LDS church!!
I really don't want to start any arguments here - and the following is only the honest first-hand impression of someone who was thankful to finally visit SLC....
What has been accomplished here by the Church of Latter Day Saints for "the honor and glory of God" is simply overwhelming. We were "shown" much in a short amount of time: We were led around the Temple Complex by missionaries (all carrying a copy of the Book of Mormon) - we were told we would be exposed to intentional "statements of their beliefs" (and we were!) - we saw a video that proclaimed their attractive views on family and heaven - we heard a 30 minute organ recital in their acoustically exquisite Tabernacle - we were blown away by their 21,000 seat state of the art Convention Center - we were shown 2-3 different halls celebrating their past and current "prophets and apostles" - among other things... No doubt: The level of conviction and excellence and beauty of everything we were shown was incredible!! And all the people we encountered were supremely friendly and nice... But about halfway through our tour, I told Martha about an "icky" feeling I had in my gut... She was unsettled too...
Together we discussed briefly - and quietly - our reactions... As we were given the opportunity today to visit what is Mormon "sacred ground" - and more importantly, hear their "sacred message" - we were reminded of fundamental issues of Doctrine that separate Latter Day Saints Theology from Biblical Christianity. Boy, we sure heard and saw a lot about ALL that can be done - and should be done - and has been done for God -- but what was conspicuously absent was the message that the Apostle Paul warned us never to stray far from:
That a loving and merciful God has done it ALL for US!! He saves us through the perfect sacrifice of Jesus Christ on our behalf - not by anything we do for Him.
Martha said it best: "I just don't hear or see much of a message of God's Grace here..."
TO BE FAIR: I have to admit that over 25 years ago, as I had the chance to visit the exponentially MORE "religiously ambitious" Vatican City in Rome, I had a similar stirring up of theologically jumbled emotions. I also remember feeling "bludgeoned by grandiosity" by all that I saw and experienced at St. Peter's Square and all throughout the Vatican. I also don't recall hearing much of a message of how Jesus humbled himself to offer us Salvation by Grace through Faith alone in Him. But - I most certainly was not led around by "missionaries" who went out of their way to
make sure I knew what their Church believed...
I am grateful for a comment from Josh later in the day, as he reflected on our morning visit to Temple Square -- "None of this matters Dad, you can't earn your way to heaven..." Amen.
Oh, that those of us that claim Christ as Savior would always remain captured and confident, yet humble and unassuming about this Core Biblical Truth:
"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God." (Ephesians 2:8)
Anyway -- I am thankful we had a GREAT visit - and we had a GREAT day!! Much was learned...
Below are a few pics of our time in Temple Square, our visit of the Olympic Cauldron Park and our trek out to the Great Salt Lake...
Lydia special-prepared our sandwiches &
lunch bags for the day:
Photos from The Temple Square in
Downtown Salt Lake City:
Olympic Cauldron Park:
A Visit to The Great Salt Lake: