Friday, June 8, 2012

Reason(s) To Run...?

Tomorrow morning, my brother Vic, my buddy Aaron and I will be leaving around 2:30 in the morning to go run a Half Marathon!  We are headed to Storm Lake, IA to run in the "Marathon 2 Marathon" - because the race ends in the nice little town on Marathon, IA.

Link: Marathon2Marathon

We are running "JUST BECAUSE"...

  • I wanted company.  I was planning to run this race last year - as a "discipline of solitude" - but ended up injured because I foolishly over-trained.  Training by myself, I simply tried to do too much.  (I was only able to run a very slow 5K.)
  • We have all learned that the experience of running is a deep and generous BLESSING when you do it TOGETHER with others and as a part of a TEAM.
  • The three of us are at about the right amount of training miles to be able to go for a "Half Mary".  So why not?
  • I so enjoy the company of my good friend Aaron and my brother Vic, that it's just a good excuse to have a couple of hours to talk about "stuff that matters" - without any interruptions.
  • I hope for me it is "Step 2" of the "M2M Trifecta" (5k/Half/Full) in this early-summer, well-organized, in-state, nationally-sanctioned, close-to-home Race.
  • It makes PERFECT sense to get up in the dark of dawn - drive  2.5 hours - run 13.1 miles through Iowa cornfields - drive 2.5 hours back - all on the day before I preach across the morning at Naz and begin VBS later in the evening!

But probably the most important Reason we are running tomorrow is:

  • Our wives gave us permission...!!!


1 comment:

  1. Good for you for getting the wives permission. I don't mind the races - it's all the training that goes into them!! Running is a full time sport! Good job tho on staying healthy!!

    And good luck and have fun tomorrow!
