Kate was the wonderful lady that took care of all four of our kids when they were infants up until they started going to school full time. There are many great stories about Kate over roughly the decade that she spent pouring into our kids and into our family - but for now just two quick ones: How we met her and our Halloween visits.
1) When Josh was a baby, we were able to find a lady that could provide day-care for him when Martha had to go back to work. But within a few weeks she abruptly had to change her plans - and gave us a few days notice that we had to find someone else. Yikes! I remember making many, many phone calls trying to find another day-care provider, only to be told that all spots were basically full. I was put on a few waiting lists, but I was NOT hopeful that I could find a place for our 2-month-old Josh.
A Residency partner of Martha's told us about a neighbor lady of hers that had taken care of her baby boy. We could call her - it was worth a shot - so Martha did.
Martha got on the phone with a Kathleen Smith - and the conversation went something like this: "Hmmm - yes I could take care of your son - but I must say I will have two very strict conditions." Martha gulped. Kate went on: "The first, is that you will have to let me spoil him" (Martha smiled and was OK with that one), "and the second, is that if you are late picking him up on Wednesdays, he's coming to Church with me!" Martha laughed out loud! "No problem - no problem at all!", was Martha's reply.
We knew we had found a gem - and she certainly turned out to be one - in so many ways!!!
2) The second quick "Kate Story" is really more of a Tradition - one that we will deeply miss: Every Halloween we would pile all the kids into the van and head to her place - so that she and her husband "Bud" (also a great human being - real name: Everett) could get the first view of the kids in their full Halloween Costumes before trick-or-treating later that evening. We always looked forward to going over to "Kate-Bud's House". She had candy, of course - but more importantly, she always had a warm and welcoming heart for all of us. We would chat and hang out in their living room for the better part of an hour before heading back to our neighborhood. She sure loved our kids. She was very much another "grandma" to them. And we sure considered HER as family...
Time keeps marching on... Old Seasons pass... Lessons are learned... New Seasons are ushered in...
During this time of the year, we will always remember and cherish you, Kate. Rest In Peace. We know you do - because we know you Rest In Christ...
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